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As businesses across the country begin to open and resume activity, finding ways to adjust and adapt to the new COVID-19 sensitive work environment is critical to promoting safety and well-being. This is especially true for medical and healthcare facilities, which necessarily involve direct contact and close proximity between patients and care providers.

Dental offices are an example of healthcare facilities that need to reopen and become available for public health, but will require extra protective measures to be put in place. Glacier Technology has been working with Movex to develop a clean air solution that provides a safer and cleaner environment for dental care providers and their patients.

Lab Arms for Dental Filtration

The application involves the use of an extraction system to clear air, which may contain a high concentration of airborne pathogens, from the patient treatment space. The ergonomically designed extraction system uses an articulating extraction arm with a collection hood to extract contaminated air to a remote exhaust fan. The arm is highly adaptive and positionable, self-supporting, and capable of locking to a set position. A low-pressure requirement for extraction airflow allows for the use of a low horsepower fan, keeping noise levels a minimal level during use. The anodized aluminum finish allows for easy wipe down between appointments.

The unique Movex joint design results in a very low pressure drop, producing benefits such as:

  • Energy-saving
  • Lower noise levels
  • Less risk of disruptive ventilation noise
  • Low pressure drop without having to use a larger dimension system
  • Easy to combine with other extractors in the same ventilation system

Movex LFK 150U and LFK 175U have an ULPA filter (FPU 50) as standard. The filter is rated ULPA 15 and tested in accordance with EN 1822-1 and has a separation efficiency of >99.9995%.

Dental Filtration Movex Arms

Options include a variety of hoods and nozzles for different types of procedures, and a HEPA filter system for applications involving the recirculation of air.

While the extraction system does not eliminate the need for personal protective equipment (PPE) such as masks and gloves, it does remove respiratory germs, viruses, and other airborne pathogens from the critical workspace. It provides additional safety during procedures such as dental teeth cleanings, fillings, scaling and planing, bonding, extractions, and more.

Do you need assistance with a critical ventilation application? Contact the experienced team at Glacier Technology.

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